
Thank you for translating my Tutorial into French Franie

Mother's Day 2024

Open a 900 x 600 Transparent Image

Fill with the Color 2 #3a3961

Edit / Copy / picture paysages_0477

Remove the watermark

Edit / Paste as a New Layer

Resize / 65% (no check in resize all layers)

Layers / Properties / Opacity 83

Move it down a bit

Merge Down


Image / Resize 25% (no check in all layers)

Selection Select All

Float / Defloat

Effects / Plugins / AAA Frames / Photo Frame

Selections / Select None

MuRa's Meister / Copies

K to open the PickTool X=500 Y=225

M to close the Pick Tool

Edit / Copy / Text_Mothersday_knipl_2024

K to open the Pick Tool X=550 Y=25m

M to close the Pick Tool

Effects / 3D Effects / Drop Shadow Foreground Color 1 #e8Ae43

Image / Add Borders / 1-pixel Foreground Color #e8ae43

Image / Add Borders / 25-pixels Background Color #3a3961

Image / Add Borders / 1-pixel Foreground Color #e8ae43

Selections / Select All

Image / Add Borders / 40-pixels Color White

Effects / 3D Effects / Drop Shadow black

Selections / Select All

Image / Add Borders / 1-pixel Foreground Color #e8ae43

Selections / Select All

Selections / Modify / Contract 40-pixels

Selections / Invert

Effects / Graphis Plus / Quick Tile II

Effects / 3D Effects / Inner Bevel

Selections / Select None

Open Your character tube / occasions_speciales_0170_lisat

Remove the watermark

Image / Mirror / Mirror Horizontal

Edit / Copy

Edit / Paste as a New Layer

Image / Resize 85% (no check in all layers)

Move out to the left like mine

Add a Drop Shadow your choice.

Add your name/watermark

Layers / Merge All

Resize if you think it's too big

