Many thanks to Dennis Robinson for translating my Tutorial.
Selection Place in the Selections Folder of PSP_ American_1
Textures in the Texture Folder
Gradients in the Gradient Folder
Presets in the Preset Folder User Defined Filter_Emboss_3
The rest are opened in PSP
65aab2 / dbc696 / 030303 /
This Tutorial is dedicated to Jytte
As a thank you for the one she made with my name.
And because she's just the Best
Thanks to Nena for the beautiful tubes
Open an Image of 900 x 600 Pixels
Plugin Mehdi Wavy Lab 1.1
Foreground Color 1 #65aab2
/ Background Color 2 # dbc696
Effects / Distortion Effects / Warp
Effects / User Defined
Filter / Emboss 3
Layers / New Raster Layer
Flood Fill with Color 1 #dbc696
Open the Mask / Astrid Masker 124
Layers / New Mask Layer
from Image
Layers / Merge / Merge Group
Layers / Properties / Blend Mode / Hard Light / Opacity 65
Effects / 3d Effects / Drop Shadow / 5 / -5 / 60 / 30 Black
Layers / New Raster Layer
Flood Fill with Color 3 #030303
Repeat the Mask
Layer New mask layer from image
Layers / Merge / Merge
Image Mirror / Mirror Horizontal
Layers / Properties / Blend Mode Multiply
Layers / Merge / Merge Down
Layers / Properties / Opacity 90
Layers / New Raster Layer
Flood Fill with Color 4 #af9193
Open the Mask / Astrid Masker 32
Layers / New Mask from
Layers / Merge / Merge Group
Layers / Properties / Blend Mode Screen / Opacity 60
Layers / New Raster Layer
Selections / Load/Save Selection / Load Selection from Disk
Locate / American_1
Flood Fill the Selection with Color 3 #030303
Selections / Select None
Effects / Distortion Effects / Polar Coordinates
Selection / Select All
Selections / Float
Selections / Defloat
Selections / Modify / Contract by 3-pixels
Press the Delete Key on your Keyboard
Selections / Select None
Effects / Eye Candy 5: Impact / Extrude(choose the preset / Small Offset, Maximum Smoothing)
Effects / 3d Effects / Drop Shadow / 30 / 0 / 60 / 50 Black
Edit / Copy Text Jytte
Edit / Paste as a New Layer
Pick Tool / X: 50.00 / Y: 100.00
Press M to close the Pick Tool
Effects / 3d Effects / Drop Shadow / 30 / 30 / 60 / 50 / db3c69b
Image / Add Borders 2-pixels Color 3 #030303
Image / Add Borders 10-pixels Color 4 #af9193
Image / Add Borders 1-pixel Color 3 #030303
Edit / Copy
Selection / Select All
Image / Add Borders 30-pixels White
Selection / Invert
Edit / Paste into Selection
Selections / Promote Selection to Layer
Selections / Select None
Effects / Image Effects / Page Curl
Effects / 3d Effects /
Drop Shadow (default)
Effects / 3d Effects / Inner Bevel
Add your name/watermark
Edit / Copy / vvs-deco0364
Edit / Paste as a New Layer
Image / Resize 60% place to the Left
Effects / 3d Effects / Drop Shadow as you wish.
Edit / Copy / vvs-woman2011
Edit / Paste as a New Layer
Place to the Right
Effects / 3d Effects / Drop Shadow as you see fit
Layers / Merge / Merge All
Image / Resize 900-pixels wide
Save as jpeg
You are done.