Thanks to dennis for english translation

star_borderIce Kingdom 

 The tube is by H@nne_Jade Bengco Heir_To_The_Ice_Kingdom_small

 Background image artwork36, 

and 03 

 The foreground color is #514f81

 The background color is #b8b8c3

 Open an image of 800X600 Pix 

Selection select all. 

Open Background artwork36. 

Edit copy paste into selection.

 select None. 

 Effect plugins Mehdi Sorting Tiles .See image.

 Create new layer .

fill with color #b8b8c3 

Layers new mask layer from image 03.

 Merge Group.

 Blend Mode Hard Ligth (Light)

 Selection Tool Circle.

Select the left and right moons

 (Circle. Select) add space 

Effect Plugins Alien Skin Eyecandy5 Impact Glass. See image 

 2 "s" Select None. 

Go on the bottom layer duplicate Effect plugins Flaming peer flood. See picture. (Pear Flood.See)

 add space and Pear is OK Stand on the top layer of the mask layer. 

Set Blend mode to hard Light. (mask layer. Sae / Light) add space Merge Visible.

 Symmetrical Checked Image Add Borders 1 Px with Background Color #b8b8c3

 Image Add Borders 5 Px with Foreground Color #514f81

 Image Add Borders 1 Px with Background Color #b8b8c3

 Image Add Borders 5 Px with Foreground Color #514f81

 Selection select all 

Image Add Borders 30 Px with Foreground Color #514f81

 Effect 3D Drop Shadow. see picture

 Effect Axion Lens Flare .See picture

 Promote Selection to layer.

 Duplicate (layer. Duplicate) add space Select none 

Image Flip Opacity 50%. (Opacity) ( Effect AAA Photo Frame. see picture

 Set your watermark

 Merge all (vandamaeke. Merge) add space 

Open Image H@nne_Jade Bengco Heir_To_The_Ice_Kingdom_small.. 

copy and set as new layer. 

Resize 75%. 

Move it down to the bright border.

 Give shade as you see fit.

 Merge All 

Hope you found it fun to make... 
