
Copy the Selection  halloween_2023_knipledamen  into your folder

Many thanks to Franie Margot for the translation into French

Thanks to Dennis Robinson for translation int Inglish

Open a New Image 900 x 500

Selections / Select All

Edit / Copy Image Anna Ignatieva-Yaga_byWildRose

Edit / Paste into Selection

Selections / Select None

Layers / Merge / Merge All Flatten

Effects / Image Effects / Seamless Tiling (default)

Effects / Plugins / Mehdi / Sorting Tiles

Layers / Duplicate

Selections / Load/Save Selection / Load Selection from Disk


Edit / Copy Image 1Patries_VA-lantarenpaal 10-3-09

Edit / Paste into Selection

Image / Mirror / Mirror Horizontal

Selections / Promote Selection to Layer

Selections / Select None

Effects / Image Effects / Seamless Tiling (default)

Edit / Copy Image paysages_0269_(Remove the Watermark)

Edit / Paste as a New Layer

Layers / Properties / Blend Mode / Hard Light

Image / Resize 85% (no check mark in all layers)

Press the 'k' key on the Keyboard to open the Pick Tool

X= minus -180.00 / Y= 0.00

Image / Add Borders 3-pixels white

Image / Add Borders 1-pixel #54475b

Image / Add Borders 15-pixels white

Image / Add Borders 1 Pix with color #54475b

Selections / Select All

Image Add Borders 35-pixels white

Effects / 3d Effects / Drop Shadow

Selections / Invert

Effects / Plugins / Graphic Plus Quick Tile 1 (default)

Selections / Select None

Edit / Copy Image Anna Ignatieva-Yaga_byWildRose

Edit / Paste as a New Layer

Set to Right

Effects / 3d Effects / Drop Shadow (same as before)

Edit / Copy Image 1Patries_VA-lantarenpaal 10-3-09

Edit / Paste as a New Layer

Move to Left

Add the same Drop Shadow (same as before)

Edit / Copy Image 1Patries_Witch Adam Braun-24-8-08 Only the cat

Edit / Paste as a New Layer

Image / Resize 85% (no check mark in all layers)

Drop Shadow (same as before)

Edit / Copy Image HalloMyBat

Edit / Paste as a New Layer

Image / Resize 85%

Place on the left by the lamp or wherever you think

Drop Shadow (same as before)

Layers / Properties / Opacity 73%

Layers / Merge / Merge Visible

Add your name/watermark

Don't forget the author's watermark

Resize if you think it's too big

You are done.

Many thanks for your beautiful versions