Open an Image of 900 x 600-Pixels
Many thanks to Dennis Robinson for translating my Tutorial into English
thanks to Franie Margot for translating my tutorial to
Autumn trip French
The tutorial is made in Corel 2020
If you do it in another, version of PSP there might be a difference
Selections must be in the Selections Folder
Textures in the Textures Folder
Gradients in the Gradients Folder
Presets in the Presets Folder
The rest of the Materials are opened in PSP
DOWNLOAD Autum...ials.zip
Thanks to Joan of tube Wm -1724 Tubes, the rest of the materials have been found online.
1.Open an Image of 900 x 600-pixels.
Selections / Select All
Edit Copy Image 1724-vmtubes
Edit / Paste into Selection.
Selections / Select None.
2. Effects / Image Effects / Seamless Tiling (default)

/ Merge / Merge All Flattened
3. Layers / Duplicate
Adjust / Blur / Motion Blur (see ps)

Effects / Reflection Effects Rotating Mirror (default)

Effects / Distortion Effects / Warp.

Layers / New Raster Layer
Fill with #e4ddd3
Layers / New Mask Layer from Image

/ Merge / Merge Group.
Effects / 3D Effects / Drop Shadow / 10 / -10 / 45 / 10.00 Black
Layers / Properties / Opacity 75%
7. Activate the middle Layer and set Blend Mode to Multiply
Layers / Arrange / Bring to Top
8. Edit / Copy Image Jet plain
Edit / Paste as a New Layer
Activate the Pick Tool Position X=75.00 Position Y=50.00
Press M to close.
8. Edit / Copy text Image
Edit / Paste / as a New Layer
Do not move it
Activate the Pick Tool
Position X=369.00 Position Y=75.
Press M to close
9. Effects / Plugins / Alien Skin Eye Candy 5 / Impact / Perspective Shadow.

10. The Borders
Image / Add Borders / 2-pixels color White
Image / Add Borders / 10-pixels #015f7b
Image / Add Borders / 2-pixels color White
Image / Add Borders / 20-pixels #015f7b
\Image / Add Borders / 1 Pixel color white
Image / Add Borders / 30-pixels #015f7b
11. Activate the Magic Wand Tolerance 0
Click inside the 20-pixel Border
Fill with color #044a63
Effects / Distortion Effects / Pixelate (see ps)

/ Edge Effects / Enhance More
Effects / 3D Effects / Drop Shadow / 0 / 0 / 60 / 24.00 black
Selections / Select None
12. Activate the Magic Wand
Click on the Outer Border
Effects / Plugins / Carolaine Sensibility / CS-LDots

Effects / 3D Effects / Inner Bevel (see ps)

/ Select None....
13. Edit / Copy / Image 1724-vmtubes
Edit / Paste as a New Layer
Image / Mirror / Mirror Horizontal
Put where you like
Add a Drop Shadow of your choice
Apply the lace lady's logo as a new Layer / add your own name/watermark
Layers / Merge / Merge All Flattened
Adjust Sharpness / Sharpen Unsharp Mask
Resize the Image if you think it is too big.
You are done...