This tutorial has been created by a challenge in the Nordic Psp Forum

Open a New Image 900 x 500 Pixels

Selection / Select All

Edit / Copy paysages_0014_lisat

Edit / Paste / Into Selection

Selections / Select None

Effects / Image Effects / Seamless Tiling (default)

Layers / Merge / Merge All Flattened

Effects / Plugins / Toadies / Banding Suppress Noise 73

Edit / Copy paysages_0020_lisat

Edit / Paste as a New Layer

Layers / Load Mask from Disk/ Fadebgmsk2

Merge Group

Effects / Plugins / AFS IMPORT / sqborder2

Image / Add Borders 50-pixels / #ffb91a

Effects / Image Effects / Seamless Tiling

Image / Add Border 3-pixels #d25600

Image / Add Borders 10-pixels #ffb91a

Image / Add Border 3-pixels #d25600

Select the10-pixel Border with the Magic Wand

Effects / Plugins / Graphics Plus / Cross Shadow (default)

Effects / 3d Effects / Inner Bevel

Selections / Select None

Layers / Duplicate

Image / Resize 25%

Effects / Plugins / MuRa's Meister Copies

Layers / Properties / Blend Mode Burn / Opacity 75

Drop Shadow your choice

Edit / Copy enfants_0075_lisat

Edit / Paste as a New Layer

Image / Resize 70%

Place as in the Example

Drop Shadow your choice

Edit / Copy Image Autumn

Edit / Paste as a New Layer

Pres k on your Keyboard to open the Pick Tool / X=575.00 / Y=100.00

Close with m

Add your name/watermark

Layers / Merge / Merge All

Resize if you think it's too big

You are done