Mange tak for engelsk oversættelse

You need the following 3 Colors

FG Color #B32A08

BG Color AB8344

Color #EEFEF9

Open the Materials in Psp

1.Open Image at 800X600.

2.Plugin Wavylab 1.1 see print

3.Plugin Mosaic ToolKit see print

4.Adjust Sharpen Sharpen.

5.Copy LDWatercolor as new Layer.

6.Image resize 85%.Blend Mode Hard Ligth.Opacety 89.

7.Add Border 1 PX. withh color 1.

8.Selection Select All.

9.Add Borders 3 PX with color 2

Add Borders 30 PX with 3.

10.make a GRD af Farve 1 og Farve 3 see print.

11.Selection Selection Invert.

12.Fill with GRD.

13.AAA Frames FotoFrame.see print.

14.Alien Skin EyeCandy Impact.Drop Shadow Blurry.

15.Select None.

16.Make a new layer and fill with color 3.

17.New Masklayer from Image.maskatmosfera1_camerontags.see print.

18.Merge Group.

19.Blend Mode Luminance L.Opacety 20.

20.Drop Shadow.

21.Open Image LD-Model-403.Remove Logo

22.Edit Copy your tube as new layer on your working image.

23.Image Resize 85% Place to the left.

24.Eddect 3D Drop Shadow see print.

25.Edith Copy Efteråret(20) as new Layer.

26.Image Mirror.Resize 75%.Bottom Right.

26.Drop Shadow as before.

27.Edith Copy text_AutunmInTheCountry_kniple on a new Layer.Top right.

Add your watermark.

Merge All

Hop you think it was fun to make.
