Autumn Fairy

Many thanks to Dennis Robinson for translating my Tutorial.

Selection must be placed in the Selection Folder

Textures in the Texture Folder

Gradients in the Gradient Folder

Presets in the Preset Folder

The rest open in PSP

Lisa T.

Thanks the loan of the tube divers_0373_lisat

Colors Used

FG Color #bd5608 / BG Color #dbbf7f

Open a New Image 900 x 600-pixels

Selections / Select All

Edit / Copy Autumn_Fairy_misted_na_10.10.200

Edit / Paste into Selection

Selections / Select None

Seamless Tiling Preset Stutter Diagonal

Adjust / Blur / Gaussian Blur 15

Toadies / Omma Dawn / (default)

Layers / Merge / Merge Flattened

Layers / Duplicate

Effects / Distorton Effects / Wave

Layers / Properties / Blend Mode / Multiply

Edit / Copy / Image divers_0373_lisat

Edit / Paste / as a New Layer

Image / Resize 50% Uncheck All Layers

Move to the Right at the Bottom

Layers / Properties / Blend Mode / Luminance (Legacy) / Opacity 48%

Edit / Copy / Image Fall Leaf02

Edit / Paste as a New Layer

Image / Resize 30% Uncheck All Layers

Move to the Top Left

Effects / Plugins / MuRa's Meister / Copies

Layers / Merge / Merge Visible

Image / Add Borders / 1-pixels Foreground Color

Image / Add Borders / 1-pixel Background Color

Image / Add Bordes / 1-pixel Foreground Color

Selections / Select All

Image / Add Borders / 40-pixels Background Color

Selections / Invert

Edit / Copy Image Fall Leaf06

Edit / Paste into Selection

Effects / Filters Unlimited / Pixelate (default)

Selections / Promote Selection to Layer 

Effects / 3d Effects / Inner Bevel

Effects / 3d Effects / Drop Shadow / 10 / -10 / 50 / 40 black

Selections / Select None

Edit / Copy Image Autumn_Fairy_misted_na_10.10

Edit / Paste as a New Layer

Place as mine or where you like

Layers / Properties / Opacity 83

Effects / 3d Effects / Drop Shadow, your choice.

Edit / Copy / Text_Autumn Fairy

Edit / Paste as a New Layer

Place as you like.

Add your name/watermark

Don't forget the author's watermark.

Layers / Merge / Merge All

Image / Resize if you like

I hope you had a good time.
